Davidoff recently launched its new Maduro cigar. The blend, available in the three popular formats: toro, robusto and short corona, offers a full body with medium intensity — a taste profile much sought after by many aficionados around the world. The brand claims that its new cigar is “made of time”, as the wrapper leaf undergoes an extensive fermentation and ageing process that requires expertise and timing as much as the quality of the raw material. The result is a refined cigar with sweet and creamy notes.
The Davidoff Maduro cigar is a masterpiece of expertise, craftsmanship and time. It took several years of seed crossing and testing before the blend was finalised. The premium cigar brand’s quality control is so strict that only ten percent of the seeds are selected for planting, meaning that Maduro tobaccos are truly the best of the best. What sets it apart from other cigars is its special Ecuadorian wrapper leaf: “We have doubled the fermentation time of our wrapper to sixteen months,” explains Sam Reuter. “This is necessary because we pick this rare leaf from the crown of the plant, the leaf grade Corte #7. It has a robust structure due to the amount of sun it receives and needs much more time to ferment and unleash its full aroma potential,” says Reuter. During this period of fermentation, Davidoff doubles its quality control steps as well, as it is crucial to test the leaf regularly to determine when it is ready. The leaf then ages for a full two years so it can further develop its aroma before it dresses a cigar.
Both cigar-making and caviar production take patience, care and expertise.
Time and timing are also essential in caviar production, where it can take up to eighteen years for a sturgeon to start producing eggs. “First, you have to be patient,” explains Fabio De Iure, “and then you have to be extremely precise. During the five weeks that the fish is carrying eggs, we monitor it closely to collect the eggs at exactly the right time. Afterwards, there are sixteen steps in a very short time, twenty minutes to be precise. We separate the eggs, rinse them, sort and clean them several times, classify them, and pack them in bulk to preserve them. Once this is done, the 21-day maturation period in a sterile room begins. The purpose of this is to lose excess water. During this time, the caviar is monitored and turned regularly. After this labour-intensive process, it is ready to be enjoyed.”
With their sweet and creamy aroma, Davidoff Maduro cigars are the perfect companion for caviar. Fabio De Iure, an aficionado himself, says: “Because it is not too intense, the Maduro goes perfectly with caviar, each complementing the other without overpowering it. Moreover, the saltiness of the caviar contrasts nicely with the sweet and creamy notes of the cigar, bringing out the best in both products.” Sam Reuter adds: “I recommend taking your time with this pairing. Let the caviar delight your palate, let the aftertaste linger for a while and then enhance it with the creaminess of the Maduro. As with the production of both products, time makes all the difference here.”
To find out more about Davidoff Maduro, visit Davidoff’s website and Instagram page.