Boyarde Messenger is the mother of unusual pop art creations, and with her latest venture, she is sure to captivate the hearts of cigar enthusiasts and art aficionados alike. Collaborating with Davidoff, a brand internationally renowned for its premium cigar creations, Messenger has crafted an exceptionally limited collection of humidors. Comprising only five one-of-a-kind pieces globally, each humidor is characterised by its unique design and is accompanied by its own selection of specially blended cigars. Through this partnership, Davidoff and Boyarde celebrate their shared passion for flawless craftsmanship, attention to detail, preeminent design and unmatched quality. Following an extensive period of meticulous handicraft, these five humidors have been allocated to select Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 flagship stores around the world.
A woman’s face, a camera, a majestic leopard, a planet or a natural landscape — Messenger’s imagination knows no bounds when painting elaborate designs on canvases such as Davidoff’s dome humidor. With her unique blend of creativity and precision, Messenger’s artistic style perfectly aligned with Davidoff’s vision for the partnership. “We wanted to give our aficionados the opportunity to combine their love for premium cigars with their appreciation for fine art — and acquire a unique piece no one else has,” explains Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff. This led to a collaboration that empowered the artist to unleash her creativity unbounded.
Clockwise from above left: “Classically Noir” depicts the Golden Age of Hollywood with a vintage “poster” design; the “Elementary” humidor’s design plays on nature’s elements in the most graphic form; the “Geometrically Speaking” humidor shows objects symbolising elegance, refinement and relaxation associated with the classic gentleman; Davidoff and Boyarde’s “Instinctively” humidor is inspired by Boyarde’s time in Belize and the jungle’s never-ending twists and turns.
The Davidoff and Boyarde Masterpiece Humidor Collection is a novelty for both brands: each sought inspiration from the other’s art form, which they then incorporated into their own craft. The result is a symbiosis of the most exclusive kind, in which the creative work and craftsmanship from both sides intertwine into an exceptionally distinguished narrative, exclusively reserved for those who acquire one of the humidors with their specially selected cigars. “It was a joy to see how Boyarde’s art and our cigars came together in each of these five humidors, thus turning them into unique objets d’art. Our craftsmanship and our blends underpin and elevate Boyarde’s paintings and vice versa,” says Simon.
The dome humidors painted by Boyarde epitomise Davidoff’s unwavering commitment to quality and inventiveness. Reflecting the brand’s verve, style and assiduousness, the sculpted domes exemplify hours of intricate craftsmanship, surpassing any machine-produced standard. This technical excellence in the humidor’s curvature stands as a grand artistic innovation worthy of the most exclusive cigars.
Boyarde is known and beloved for her pop art paintings on unusual canvases. While she typically specialises in wearable art like fashion and accessories, she let Davidoff’s dome humidor and the superlative cigars inspire a new dimension of her craft. Each humidor underwent a five-month artistic journey, involving up to forty layers of paint applied with forty different brushes. The five unique humidors are now housed in Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 flagship stores in Monaco, Istanbul, Brussels, Hong Kong and New York City.
While Davidoff maintains its high standards across all products, certain cigars and accessories shine a little brighter — and the Davidoff Royal Release is one such creation. Paralleling the sophisticated craftsmanship of the Davidoff and Boyarde Masterpiece Humidor Collection, the Royal Release is equally as exclusive. Undergoing an impressive ten-year journey from seed to cigar, the Robusto and Salomones cigars featured in this rare selection are carefully nurtured from their initial planting in the Dominican Republic. Boasting the finest tobacco and a precise blending and rolling process, the Royal Release is a work of art in itself, appreciated by both collectors and seasoned connoisseurs.
To find out more about the Davidoff x Boyarde collaboration, visit Davidoff’s website and Instagram page.