We would wake up to…
..to the sound of the ocean, birds twittering welcoming the sun in the morning and the world is waking up with a slight breeze of wind.
We’d drink and eat…
…as much fresh and homemade ingredients as we can, if our time allows it to us. To manage a catering business, sleeping most of the time in hotel rooms and eating at the petrol stations is not the healthiest way to live.
We’d prioritize…
…teaching our young bartenders what life can be, what’s the different between jobs and our profession behind a bar. “If you find a job which you love, you will never work again!”. Bartending is a passion, not just working from 8 till 5.
We’d make sure every knows about…
…the truth about drinking alcohol. Teach the youth that alcohol is still a drug and they should think about the right way of handling it.
The national drink would be…
…many different cocktails for people to find out what’s their most favourite would be. At this time a lot of people only drink mainstream drinks. They don’t think about what they really would like and need.
Our Royal Palace would be…
…wherever Her or His Royal Highness are and would like to be served with a unique cocktail specially made for them, created by the MH Cocktail Entertainment team.
Our people would have to…
…be butlers and stewards, because they have to serve Ladies and Gentlemen.
Wewould bring back…
…valued notions and the classic bar style from the past.
Wewould travel…
…like we did it in the past few years, from America around Europe to Africa and Asia and finally to Australia.
Wewould knight…
…Mario Hofferer for his enduring creativity, inspirations and above all his kindness and giving the feeling that we are a small but very intimate family.
Find out more about MH Cocktail Entertainment atwww.mario-hofferer.com.