The Michelinguide inspectors are currently in Brazil where they are exploring the fine diningscene in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo to give you a selection of thebestrestaurants and hotels by March 2015.
The 25th edition in the international collection of Michelinguides, this Brazil guide will givereaders the low-down on the country’ssubtle, diverse gastronomy, rooted in a rich culinary heritage based on a wide range oflocal products that are held very dear to the nation’s hearts.
“We are especially delighted to launch this new edition, which is unmatched in the history oftheMichelinguide,” said Michael Ellis, International Director, Michelinguides. “TheBrazilian gourmet dining scene has been developing steadily in recent years, led by particularlycreative chefs. The country has also become a very attractive destination for foreign chefs whoare curious to discover products, traditions and cooking styles unlike any other in the world.Spearheading this development, the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo today rank amongthe world’s leading fine dining centers. Both share a creativity, curiosity and cultural opennessthat constantly nurture one of the world’s most dynamic gourmet dining scenes. What’s more,the two cities have become ‘must’ visits in the international culinary landscape. We are eagerto prepare the selection so that readers of the Michelinguide can learn more about finedining in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.”
Always on the lookout for new addresses and unique dining experiences, it seems as thoughMichelinguide inspectorsare now reaching out to therestaurants and cuisines of the world. Dining as regular customers, the inspectorsevaluate each dish according to five criteria: product quality, the chef’s personality as revealed throughhis or her cuisine, preparation and flavors, value for money, and consistency over time and across theentire menu.
As the first guide to cover South America, theMichelinguide Rio andSao Paulo aims to assist travellers who are after culinary joy. So who do we expect to see on that list? Well there will certainly be,King of the country’s fine dining scene, whose restaurant D.O.M is #7 in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. We also expect to see, voted Veuve Cliquot’sBest Female Chef in the World, who combines traditional Brazilian cuisine at restaurant Mani – #36 in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants -with highlights from her world travels. But who else, apart from these two leaders? Perhaps , perhaps ; maybeThiago Castanho. The list, really could be endless…
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