What are your earliest memories of being interested in food?
Growing up in such a large family, we were always food having family dinners, and baking at home with my mum.
What would you say has inspired your cooking the most?
Time working with Raymond Blanc and Bernard Laiseau, along with my time living, working in France and experiencing the French lifestyle.
Describe how you see your own culinary style and how it has evolved over the years…
Always show casing great local produce with great technique to extract the flavours in the food.
Tell us a bit about what you will be doing at Royal Ascot…
I’m looking forward to cooking in the On5 restaurant for 5 days, where we will be championing a great British food, with a historical menu, at a British event.
What food trends are currently excite you?
Nothing particular at the moment, although I’m very interested in world foods, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and Scandinavian foods. I am hoping to take a trip there shortly.
What kind of experience do you aim to give guests when you cook for them?
I want to be able to tap into people’s food memory’s. From my restaurant they visit, the ingredents they are eating that are from the local area and the unique cooking from myself.
What would you say has been the most memorable moment in your culinary career so far?
There have been so many, my 2 Michelin Star, then keeping hold of them, to my MBE, being No1 in the times, twice and achieving 5 rosettes.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self, starting out a career in the world of food?
To be patient, take time to learn skills in the right areas, not to rush getting ahead, it’s a marathon not a sprint!
If you could take a plan ride to any restaurantin the world, just for one meal, where would you go?
I think I would have to say Japan, to eat in Esaki in Tokyo, which is a 3 Michelin Star Resturant.
Find out more information about Fine Dining at Ascot 2015 here |www.ascot.co.uk