What would you say has inspired your cooking the most?
My upbringing has inspired me the most. I grew up on a farm so it has helped me to really understand ingredients and sculpted the way I cook. You realise how important the lessons you learn about food when you are young are.
Describe how you see your own culinary style and how it has evolved over the years…
Modern classic… it has got lighter over the years, less cream, less butter. I eat healthily myself and don’t like to feel too heavy after meal just nice and relaxed.
Tell us a bit about what you will be doing at the Goodwood Festival of Speed…
The Festival of Speed at Goodwood is one of my favourite events. I will be cooking lots of food with amazing ingredients in an amazing location all under the smell of petrol! I love my cars so this is the perfect event for me
What food trends are currently excite you?
Lots of BBQ joints, cooking on charcoal but inside, the food always tastes great
What kind of experience do you aim to give guests when you cook for them?
The most important thing is everyone is happy with clean and empty plates. That is all that matters!
What would you say has been the most memorable moment in your culinary career so far?
Keeping Odette’s going for the last 5 years is what I am most proud of, buying my own restaurant 5 years ago is probably the best memory.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self, starting out a career in the world of food?
I wouldn’t change anything, I have worked in busy restaurants for long hours but wouldn’t change it. I never look back. The only thing I would say is I probably would have like to work abroad a little bit.
If you could take a plane ride to any restaurant in the world, just for one meal, where would you go?
America, to the French Laundry restaurant.