An offshoot ofCreutz & Partners, Villa Louise in Aachen, Germany, has been inviting top chefs to collaborate, cook and share in the creativity of the culinary arts since 2012. A world-class cooking facility, this Friday seestake a mini sabbatical from his two-Michelin-starred restaurant in Stockholm to cook here the first time.
Tell us about yourcollaboration with Villa Louise…
Creutz & Partners invited us to cook at Villa Louise this Friday. They are asking for a restaurant Frantzén experience, which of course is always very humbling, and the host of the night is Mr Creutz, CEO of Creutz & Partners, Global asset management.
Are you taking your entire team with you to cook in Germany?
There’ll be three [of my] chefs and me—pretty much half of our original team!We are very much looking forward to it. Logistically, this is a challenge that demands planning.The food is the easy part, its all the things around the food that is the real challenge. Plates, for example, you have to consider all the details. You what the experience to be as similar as if you were to have dinner inrestaurant Frantzénas possible.
What can guests expect on Friday at Villa Louise?
They can expect a full restaurant Frantzén experience in terms of produce ad flavours.
Have you decided on the menu?
Yes, it was all set and done about two weeks ago. At this time of the year, when so much is happening in the gardens two weeks is about the time you need to plan a menu like this. You also have to consider what ingredients travels well—we are lucky Düsseldorf is not a long flight.
Do you see parallels between Sweden and Germany’s food cultures?
Yes. We both come from a tradition of food that I would describe as wholesome and rustic. I think both Sweden and Germany, for quite some time now, have been influenced by French style cooking, but we are now paving our own way.
What excites you about Sweden’s food culture right now?
There is extreme creativity in Sweden at the moment. Never has there been more restaurants opening, in all categories. We all inspire each other, which I think is always a nurturing environment to be in as a chef.
How do you create a new menu and what’s the creative process behind this?
For me you never know when creativity hits. When it does you have to ‘go with the flow’!
Where are the ingredients being sourced from for Friday?
Most ingredients are from Sweden.Although not the asparagus as, at the moment, Germany has the best.
What do you gain as a chef from collaborations such as this one?
You learn a lot from cooking at another place [other] than your [own] restaurant. You are not in your comfort zone. Your own kitchen is like the back of your hand in a way. Hopefully there will be interesting people to meet as well. I know there will be.
Do you have any future collaborations lined-up with other chefs or events?
Yes, in not too long I will be going to Barcelona to cook alongside Elena Arzak and Kobe Desramaults. That will be fun!
How is your pub, The Flying Elk, doing?
It’s doing very well.
What inspired you to open a pub?
I spent many years in England working and The Flying Elk is my interpretation of an English pub pub.
For more information on Villa Louise or restaurant Frantzen, follow the links below: