What are your earliest memories of being interested in food?
I have always loved food; in fact I was quite a greedy child! I remember being 6 or 7 and doing baking at school. Probably less baking come to think of it and more mixing and squishing into pans, things like coconut ice and chocolate crunch.
What, or who, would you say has inspired your cooking the most?
The way I cook now has been inspired by four key people in my life – my Mormor ( Danish grandmother ), Margot Fergus and Henderson and Peter Gordon. All very very different in character and approach to food and all incredible teachers and mentors
Describe your culinary style…
My culinary style is fusion which to me means I get to have fun creating dishes by plundering the worlds larder!
What would you say is the main focus/concept for your menu at Obsession 17?
I am not sure as it is four of us and I am not sure we have agreed that yet!!!
What are your most indispensable ingredients?
My spice shelf is probably the most important element of my kitchen and I would be lost without it! At last count it housed 60 different spices and spice blends ranging from chillies, seeds such as ajowan and fenugreek to dried green mango powder and pomegranate
What kind of experience do you aim to give guests when you cook for them at Obsession 17?
I hope to offer them the taste of Lancashire with a twist.
What would you say has been the most memorable moment in your culinary career so far?
Receiving an MBE from the Prince of Wales for services to the restaurant industry. I am still not convinced I deserved it but it was an incredible humbling moment and one that I will never forget
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self, starting out a career in the world of food?
Don’t do it?
What’s next for you/What’s projects do you have lined up?
We are currently working on a collaboration withRyan Chetiyawardana of Mr Lyanand launchingAlphabeta Barat The Modern Pantry in Finsbury Square on the 26thof January. It is very exciting indeed!
What is your guilty pleasure?
Hmmmmm, I have a few of those! – Peanut butter Kit Kat, Ikea hot dog and Ben & Jerry’s What-a-lotta Chocolate (which I do not share by the way 😉 are the first three that spring to mind. Please do not tell anyone!!!
What restaurant is currently at the top of your list to dine at?
The wonderful Ravinder Bhogul’s Jikoni in Marylebone.
Find out more about Anna and Obsession 17 at Northcote here |www.northcote.com