The Michelin Guide is enriched this year by two new three-Michelin-starredrestaurants. La Bouitte, situated in Saint Martin de Belleville, where chefsRene and Maxime Meilleur – ironically meaning ‘best’ in French – offertraditional cuisine from Savoie, which is refined and authentic, and honoursregional products. “The Meilleur family’s cuisine, anchored in the identity and history of Savoie, pays veritable homage to the heritage of the region and its‘art de vivre’”, says Michael Ellis, International Director of the Michelin guides.
“The culinary experience offered is a true journey: the dishes are precise,generous and remarkably creative.” In Paris, Le Pavillon Ledoyen under ’s hand, has alsobeen awarded 3 Michelin stars. Michael Ellis says “ Yannick Alleno isindeniably at the top of his game. The execution of his dishes is a rarity, whichhonours the maturity of this chef who pays homage to the historic area inwhich the restaurant lies. A hymn to French haute cuisine, while also beingresolutely turned towards the future, his cuisine reflects strongly on saucesand extraction.”
The Michelin Guide France selection for 2015 has also awarded seven newrestaurants two Michelin stars: La Grand’ Vigne in Martillac near Bordeaux, L’Auberge du Cheval Blanc in Lembach, Le Neuvième Art in Lyon, Casadelmar in Porto-Vecchio, in Plaza Athénée and La Tablede Lancaster, both in Paris, et lastly L’Atelier d’Edmond in Val d’Isère.
With 37 new one-Michelin-star restaurants, this edition demonstrates the richand dynamic cuisine of France. Thanks to the generous and diverse terroir inFrance, the Michelin inspectors found wonderful restaurants of the formidablestandards in even the smallest of regions and towns. This is the case at Clairde la Plume in Grignan – a community of 1600 – or at Tables de Gaspard in Saint Crepin, which counts only 1300 habitants. With equal quality food andmoderate prices, the cuisine is simple.
Like last year, the younger generation of French chefs prevail, with LudovicTurac – the 26-year-old chef at Une Table au Sud in Marseille – and JoelPhillips – Strasbourg’s Esprit Terroir’s 27 year old chef.
Three Michelin stars
26 restaurants (2 new)
- Pavillon Ledoyen
- La Bouitte
Two Michelin stars
80 restaurants (7 new)
- La Grand’Vigne
- Auberge du Cheval Blanc
- Le Neuvième Art
- Casadelmar
- Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athénée
- La Table du Lancaster
- L’Atelier d’Edmond
One Michelin star
503 (37 new)