Judged by chef Simon Rogan, The Bombay Sapphire’s World’s Most Imaginative Bartender saw some incredibly creative and interesting flavours, combinations and recipes, butFOUR ingredients were taking presidence and were trending: oil, orange, herbs andtea.Using theseingredients, here are FOUR recipes that blew Simon Rogan’s cocktail socks off, including the winning bevvy…
50ml extra virgin olive oil-washed Bombay Sapphire
15ml Martini Extra dry Vermouth
2 dashes saline solution
To serve
Stir and strain in an olive oil dipping dish, and garnish with a black olive
50ml Bombay Sapphire
20ml fig leaf infused chocolate liqueur
15ml Cocchi Barolo Cinnata
5ml Blood orange syrup
1 dash chocolate bitters
To serve
Stirred and finished with a grapefruit twist and chocolate bitters spray
50ml garden pea and mint compressed Bombay Sapphire
Tonic Water
To serve
Stir with ice and garnish with a fresh mint sprig
50ml Bombay Sapphire
1 barspoon spiced marmalade
100ml Ear Grey Prosecco Tonic
1 teaspoon caster sugar
3 drops Chartreuse Elixir Végétal
Kaffir lime leaf
Find out more about Simon Rogan and about The Bombay Sapphire’s World’s Most Imaginative Bartender here.