“Juan Amador has finally found the water that can live up to his high expectations…”
“There’s a definite growing market of restaurants and hotels that have discovered that a premium water can be as important as having the right wines on the menu,” says Hassia Waters’ very own water sommelier, Martin Sons, when I ask him where he sees the future of fine waters in the next few years. “Water will become more and more important very soon.”
And I couldn’t agree more. Next to food and air, water is a lifeblood. But, unbeknown to many, it can also play a vital part in the taste experience of many foods and wines. The perfect component to any fine-dining foray, it appears.
Hassia Waters is perhaps the perfect example of the growing interest in fine water in the gourmet world. “Besides Juan Amador there are around 300 prestigious restaurants and hotels that offer LIZ [on their menus]. Many of them have Michelin stars and all of them only choose the best of products for their demanding guests.”
“Together with Juan Amador, Hassia has aimed at creating the perfect water for high class cuisine in terms of taste as well as appearance. With LIZ, Juan Amador has finally found the water that can live up to the high expectations. His desire and passion for high class cuisine has inspired the creation of LIZ as the perfect match for high class food and wine. Amador has been an influential partner in developing the concept of LIZ.”
It’s no surprise that fine-dining water is taking off in the world of gourmet cuisine, quicker than a duck to water, when you consider that there are a whole variety of ways that water can benefit the taste of food, when paired correctly. “Some waters are salty and others are dry or sweet. If you have food with a special flavour like vanilla, parsley, or particularly truffle or a mushroom with a strong flavour, you have to take a medium carbonate water without high levels of minerals. I personally prefer water in glass bottles and a water’s serving temperature should always be no more than 6°C.”
This rule applies to wine, too: when drinking a fruity white wine, try to serve it with water that has a low mineral content and medium gas content; a dry white wine, serve water with higher levels of minerals, like magnesium; a fruity red, water without minerals and gas and when drinking a wine with a slightly acidic taste, try water with a high level of hydrogen carbonate.
Of course, it’s not just about taste. From the table settings, to the artwork on the walls, aesthetics certainly play an important part in the world of highclass dining. LIZ has won several awards for its bottle design, including the iF Product Design Award 2010, the Red Dot Design Award 2010 and the Water Innovation Awards 2010, all for its outstanding quality, creativity and functionality.
Award-winning, taste-enhancing and as pure as, well, water – fine-dining eau could be TNBT (the next big thing) in the fine-dining world and one we’re certainly looking forward to pouring over in more detail in the future…
For more informatin about LIZ water visit http://www.hassiagroup.com/english/liz/
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