Created by Myles Donneky (Bar Manager Aqua Restaurant Group)atAqua Shard
Glass | Martini
Garnish | 2 white grapes with mint sprigs dusted with icing sugar mounted on a curved bamboo cocktail stick
15ml Freshly squeezed lemon juice
15ml Elderflower cordial
5ml Fernet Branca
Top with Champagne
Shake the first four ingredients with ice and fine strain into a chilled glass.Top with Champagne.
Created by Andrew Shannon (Bar Manager, Edition Hotels)atThe London Edition
Glass | Coupe
Garnish | Dehydrated grapefruit slice
10ml Aperol
15ml Orange and grapefruit sherbet
25ml Freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 Dash cardamom bitters
1 Fresh egg white
Shake all ingredients with ice and strain back into shaker. Shake again without ice (dry shake) and fine strain into a chilled glass.