Serves 4
200g wild mushrooms (i.e slippery jacks and pine mushrooms)
Extra virgin olive oil
Bone marrow
4 pieces of veal bone marrow soaked overnight in cold water
Veal stock
20kg veal knuckle bones
16kg stewing beef
7.4kg brown onions
3.2kg large carrots
1.3 kg large, ripe tomatoes
10 litres red wine reduced to 1 litre
2 pork trotters
1 calves foot, split
50 litres water
(results in 10 litres)
200g baby spinach
50g pine nut purée
Fenugreek oil
Silver beet and chard
20 pieces 5cm in length of rainbow chard and silver beet stem
Leaves and pine nuts
2 baby beet leaves
2 celeriac shoots
3 wild sorrel leaves
3 wild yarrow leaves
2 baby spinach
2 aztec spinach
2 virofly spinach
5 pine nuts
Using a damp cloth remove all traces of dirt, grit and pine needles from the mushrooms.Slice the larger mushrooms into even 2cm wide pieces. Leave the smaller mushrooms whole.Warm a little olive oil in a pan and add the mushrooms. Seal the mushrooms quickly on a high heat and season with salt. To ensure that the pine mushrooms are cooked place them onto a stainless steel tray, cover them with foil and cook for 5 minutes in a hot oven. The slippery jacks will not need further cooking. When cool portion the mushrooms into even 40g portions. Reserve until service
Bone marrow
To clean the marrow and free it of any blood it is necessary to soak it overnight in cold water. If still in the bone pop the marrow out and continue the ‘bleeding’ process by placing it again over night in iced water. Once clean select appropriate sized marrow for the dish and cut those pieces that are larger in half. Reserve the marrow in iced water until needed.
Veal stock
All ingredients are to be roasted at200 degrees.Rub the bones with oil and roast them to a deep golden, turning them when needed and draining off excessive amounts of fat.Cut the beef into large pieces, coat it with oil and roast to a deep brown.Peel carrots and onions. Roast carrots whole. Halve the onions and roast until dark.Halve the tomatoes and roast until dark in colour.Place all roasted ingredients into a large stock pot with remaining ingredients and bring to a gentle simmer. Skim any fat and impurities from the surface and simmer for 12 hours. Ensure that the stock never boils hard and skim it regularly over the entire cooking time.Once the stock has cooked for the prescribed time, pass it, first through a coarse strainer and then a fine one and return it to the stove to reduce. Continue to skim any impurities from the surface and reduce the liquid to 10 litres. Pass again through a fine strainer and cool rapidly. Reserve until needed.
For the chlorophyll
Wash the spinach and process it in a juicer. Place the spinach juice in a pot and bring it to the boil. Pass the boiled juice through a fine strainer, discarding the liquid and keeping the solid ‘chlorophyll’ left in the strainer. Combine the finished weight of chlorophyll with half the weight of pine nut paste, i.e 100g chlorophyll/ 50g pine nut, add a little fenugreek oil to the chlorophyll making a smooth paste. Reserve in an airtight container.
Chard and silver beet stem
Remove the silver beet and chard leaves. With a ruler measure the stem into 5cm pieces and cut across the stem. Peel the outside fibre off the stem and the cut each piece into thin lengths. Place the stem into ice water so that they curl up. Once curled dress the pieces with olive oil and salt.
For the leaves
Wash all leaves in iced water, dry them on paper towel and portion them with the pine nuts into sealed containers. Reserve refrigerated until needed.
To serve
Place the portioned mushrooms to warm in an oven or under a salamander. Spread the chlorophyll across the centre of a plate. On top of the chlorophyll scatter the mushrooms. Warm the bone marrow in hot water and then cover it with reduced veal stock. Place the marrow under a salamander until it begins to caramelize. Season the marrow with mineral or sea salt and place it on the plate amongst the mushrooms. Scatter the leaves and pine nuts over the mushrooms.
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