Serves 4
1.2L hot chicken broth
320g vialone nano rice
100g grated Parmigiano
60g butter
50g Pantelleria capers, soaked, drained and chopped
50g dry white wine
12g extra virgin olive oil
10g white onion, minced
4g ground espresso coffee
8 espresso beans
Pinch of salt
Hint of caster sugar
1 “ristretto” cup of espresso coffee, reduced by half
Sweat onion in extra virgin, toast rice with onion, add wine and evaporate. Add salt and coffee beans and proceed to add simmering hen broth, a ladleful at a time. When rice is cooked, adjust salt, eliminate coffee beans and energetically stir in butter and Parmigiano, then emulsify with a little broth.
Sprinkle a at plate with ground espresso, ladle risotto onto the plate, spread it, then sprinkle with chopped capers. Draw a line of reduced espresso on the edge of the plate.