Lamb tartare
2g sea salt
2g sugar
60g salt-marsh lamb meat, from the rear leg
Oyster emulsion
5 oysters (3 fines de claire, 2 Belon)
50g organic sunflower oil
Cider sorbet
100g freshly pressed green apple juice
15g tomato vinegar
Mint water
20g mint leaves
To serve
Cleaned oyster shells
Organic apple vinegar
10g samphire
Lamb tartare
Combine the salt and sugar. Cure the lamb in the mixture for 10 minutes. Quickly rinse it under cold water and pat it dry. Mince the meat with a knife, cutting it but not mashing it. Set it aside.
Oyster emulsion
Blend the oysters and their liquid and add the oil slowly, as if making a mayonnaise, until it is emulsified. Refrigerate.
Cider sorbet
Mix the apple juice with the vinegar, freeze in a Pacojet container and process justbefore serving.
Mint water
Pass the mint leaves through a juicer and reserve the juice.
To serve
Take a cleaned oyster shell and place a spoonful of lamb tartare inside. Add some oyster emulsion, a few drops of vinegar, some small sprigs of samphire, 2 drops of mint water and some cider ice to every oyster. Cover with shell. Serve cold.
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