Squid and potatoes ravioli with tomato sauce and smoked provola cheese cream
Serves 4
Fresh pasta
2 eggs
Squid sauce
600gsquid, cut into 5mm cubes
1clove of garlic, brunoise style
1 shallot onion
Chilli, optional
30ml white wine
150gtomato sauce
300g par boiledpotatoes, cut in cubes
Tomato sauce
25gsmall onions, cut brunoise style
1/2 clove of garlic
10 basil leaves
Oregano and salt
300gtomato puree
50g‘frisella’ with fennel
Purple potatopuree
200gpeeled purple potatoes
5gcoarse salt
20gextra virgin oil
20ml milk
1 lemon peel
Smoked provola cheese cream
1l cream 35 %
500gsmoked provola
Fresh pasta
Knee all ingredientsadding yolks little by little. Let it rest for 20 minutes in the fridge covered.
Squid sauce
Brown garlic, chilliand shallot in little olive oil.Add squid and wet with white wine.Let the squid dry and cover with the tomato puree.
Filling of squid and potatoes
Add 330 gr of boiled potatoes to the squid sauce, fresh oregano, salt and pepper.
Tomato sauce
Stir fry garlic, oil and fresh oregano, add tomato puree, add salt and let it cook for 5 minutes.At the end stir the crumbled frisella and let it cook for around 3 minutes. Let the sauce thicken.
Purple potatopuree
Peel potatoes and vacuum cook them. Once done thensieve them. Boil milk and lemon beforeadding the milk and blending the puree with cold butter, oil and salt.
Smoked provola cheese cream
Lightly cook cream untilit’s reduced by half. Add the provola and let it cook for around 15 minutes. Allow it to infuse30 minutes before straining with achinoise. Keep chilled until use.
To serve
Pour the provola cream onthe bottom of aplate.Dot with 5helpings oftomato sauce,4 cones of purple potatoes puree,4 rings of squid browned in a pan with garlic and thyme. Cook ravioli in salted water and blend with butter, crushed garlic, thyme and lemon. Serve on the tomatosauce together with juices flowers and mixed herbs.
Crackling suckling pig with chilliapricot confit, and sweet and sour beetroot
Marinade forthe pig
3 pepper corns
5 cardamompods
1 star anise
1 tspcoriander powder
15gfine salt
3 bay leaves
25ggrated ginger
200ml grape seedoil
Cream of celery and turnip
1l milk
600gcelery and turnip
Salt and pepper, to taste
Sweet and sour beetroot
20 beetroot cubes
40graspberry vinegar
1gagar agar
Brunoise of celery and turnip, to taste
Marinade & suckling pig
Whisk the spices with oil and leave it to infuse for 4 hours at 60 degrees in the alto shaam.Sieve the mixtureand divide the pig into parts.For the thighsand shoulders | Thighs at 65 degrees for 60 minutes, shoulder at 65 degrees for 45 minutes.Let the thigh cool down and dice in 5cm cuts.Heat a generous amount of oil and fry the meat on the skin until golden brown. Finish them offin the oven for 6 minutes.Scorch the meat on the side of the skin with garlic and thyme. Bastewith rest of the pig marinadein salamander.Repeat the basting procedure2 to 3 times.
To serve
Plate according to image with suckling pig nestled on top of the sweet and sour beetroot, cream of celery and turnip and the chilli confit apricots.
Coffee affogato with mou sauce and smoked chocolate ice cream
Espresso coffee
Hazelnut ganache
265gmilk chocolate
265ghazelnut praline 55%
400ghalf whipped cream
Creamy chocolate
140gmilk chocolate
125gwhite chocolate
50ghazelnut paste
Mou sauce
Smoked chocolate icecream
600gwhole milk
75gsemi skimmed milk
60gegg yolk
100gchocolate 70%
Milk foam
1g lecithin
To garnish
Fresh mint
Toasted hazelnuts
Crumbled biscuit with salt flakes
Hazelnut ganache
Bring the milk to a low simmer.Melt the chocolate and blend it with the hazelnut paste.Blend the milk with the chocolate and inside melt the isinglass which was soaked earlier.Let it cool and whip the half whipped cream.
Creamy chocolate
Temper the milk chocolate and put it at the bottom of a stainless steal mold.Bring the white chocolate to 29C.Bring the hazelnut paste to 20C.Blend the two sauces together and pour them on the solidified chocolate you poured in the mold earlier.
Mou sauce
Bring cream and glucose to the boil.Caramelize the sugar and blend the cream and the glucose.As it cools down add the butter
Smoked chocolate icecream
Beat sugar and yolks.Melt the chocolate in a bain marie.Bring everything to the boil except the chocolate. Bring the temperature up to82C. Then allow to cool down to around 50C beforeadding the chocolate.Stir well and put it in the ‘mantecatrice’.