The Federal Republic of Germany was just one year old, when a Swiss inventor designed this classical kitchen appliance. In 1950 Roger Perrinjaquet applied the patents for the “appareil ménager portatif“, the first hand-held blender worldwide. In 1954 he sold the rights to the Swiss company ESGE, founded by Messrs Spingler and Gschwend. In the same year they started to produce this unique appliance and still today the ESGE blender is manufactured in Switzerland.
Professional cookswere enthusiastic about this prototype as well as housewifes, which can be used for mincing vegetables, meat, fruit or baby food. When the babies grow up, this kitchen hero disappearedfrom mothers’ kitchen because it makes might goodcrushed ice cubes, mix milk shakes or cocktails. And the circle begins again, when yet anotherfamily started.
A flat protective cap covers the rotating knife and other attachments like whisk or beater, all made of stainless steel. A powerful motor, silent and nearly vibrationless, is installed in an ergonomical housing with two switches. That’s all! The blender is offered with different power ratings from 120-200W for all applications. Since 1990professional applications were launched toprocesslarge quantities.
The basic blender is completed by several accessories: the ESGE-Zauberette® with rasping and slicing plates transforms the blender into a practical handy kitchen robot. We also offer a small grinder for grinding and mincing. The most recent accessory is a multifunctional stand, which keeps the appliance and all accessories within reach.
All parts are manufactured exclusively by ESGE AG in Mettlen in Eastern Switzerland. Each single unit is submitted to a detailed test before leaving the factory. Still nowadays many handblenders are in daily use, which have been produced decades ago. The eldest unit, which has been repaired by Unold in the past months, was a model from the fifties. It has been reconditioned and left our after sales department fully operative.
Famous cooks and experts agree, that at the time of inventing the ESGE Zauberstab®, this blender has been far ahead. And many functions of this unique appliance are more actual than ever. Up to now there is no blender on the market which doesn’t follow the basic design of the original prototype. More than 10 million sold units worldwide speak a clear language. So one statement is obivous: the ESGE Zauberstab® is an uncontested classical in the history of kitchen.
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