Serves 12
200g monalisa potatoes, medium size, skin on and cut in pieces
750ml mineral water
2 vanilla pods
362ml potato water
3g agar
1g xantane gum
48g cooked potato, mashed
220g pomade butter
3.5g black truffle
30g yellow colouring
22g sugar
Caramel of clarified chicken broth
3kg chicken, cut into pieces
2kg pig’s trotter, cleaned and cut
25g garlic clove
200g onions
300g carrot
250g white leek
6 black peppercorns
6g lime thyme
125ml cognac
125g concentrated tomato
80g tsuyu no moto
10l water
Truffle ice cream cone
40g icing sugar, sifted
60g pomade butter
1 egg, approx. 65g
145g wheat flour
100ml warm black truffle juice
15g black truffle, thinly cut
Potato water
Place the potatoes into a pan filled with the mineral water. Bring the pan to the boil. turn off the heat and cover with the cling film. Allow to rest for 8 hours. Finish the potatoes with 2 vanilla pods, setting aside the seeds, and pass through a thin chinois. Add the vanilla seeds and pass again, making sure there are no vanilla seeds left over in the potato water. Reserve the potatoes and the potato water.
Place the potato water and agar in a pot over a high heat and bring to the boil. Remove it from the heat. When it reaches 65c, add the xantane gum and blend it using a thermomix. When it reaches 45c, add the butter, little by little and mixing
it into the potatoes well. Add the yellow colouring and the grated black truffleand mix. Season with the salt and the sugar. Place the mixture into an ice cream machine. Once semi frozen, quickly place into the quenelle mold. Allow to set before delicately removing from the mold.
Caramel of clarified chicken broth
Place the chicken pieces on a tray and roast in an oven heated to 180c until golden in colour. While the chicken roasts, cut the vegetables into pieces, making sure all are roughly the same size. Place the vegetables in a high pot and cook until they are also lightly golden in colour. Combine the chicken and the vegetables, drizzle with cognac and flame cook. Combine the flamed chicken and vegetable mixture with the rest of the ingredients. Cook over a medium heat and reduce to 31⁄2 litres. Clarify and reduce to 1 litre. The texture and colour should be similar to golden caramel.
Truffle ice cream cone
Fit a Kitchen aid with the whip fitting. place a mixing bowl beneath the whip and set it to mixing mode. Add all of the ingredients in order of the ingredients list, starting with the icing sugar first, followed by the butter and adding salt to season last. Mix until it forms a homogeneous paste. Allow the paste to rest in the fridge for approx. 20 hours. Roll the paste into cones and bake using a specialized cone making machine.
To serve
Just before serving, place the ice cream in a dish covered with film and warm in an oven heated to 130c with 30% humidity for 15 minutes. Place the warm ice cream on a warm dish. At the table in front of the customer, break the cone and place it on the warm ice cream. Pour the chicken caramel over the dish andserve.