Serves 8
1 x 700g rock flathead
8 large sea scallops
8 green radishes
8 baby white turnips
16 nasturtium leaves
32 cavolo nero tips
24 silver sorrel leaves
32 ice plant tips
24 agretti tips
100ml extra virgin olive oil
Fine zest half lemon
Marinade for sashimi
200ml white soy
50ml grapeseed oil
1g dried wakame seaweed
10g spring onions
5g finely sliced ginger
Fresh Dory roe
1L still mineral water
50g sea salt
200g fresh silver dory roe sacs
Scrub and clean the white turnips and green radish. Thinly slice and soak in cold water. Sort and wash all the herbs. Fillet and skin the flathead and shuck the sea scallops.
Marinade for sashimi
Combine all ingredients into a small pot. Bring to simmering point. Remove the pot from the heat and allow the ingredients to infuse for 30 minutes. Strain through a fine sieve and discard the solids.
Fresh Dory roe
Divide the water and salt equally between two bowls. Place the fresh dory roe in the first bowl. Using a pair of sharp scissors cut the skin of the roe sac to expose the roe. Gently remove the roe from each sac, using a blunt knife to gently scrape it out. Discard the skin. Using a whisk gently agitate the eggs to help separate. Allow the eggs to sit in the brine for 10 minutes. Carefully pour the eggs over a fine drum sieve, discarding the brine. Using a pair of tweezers, remove any veins or blood vessels from the eggs. Transfer the eggs with a palate knife or plastic pastry scraper to the fresh bowl of brine. Gently agitate the eggs again using a whisk. Allow to sit for a further 10 minutes, pour the eggs over a fine drum sieve and remove any veins you may have missed the first time. Allow the eggs to drain completely. Transfer eggs to a plastic container. You should yield about 150g. Seal and refrigerate until required.
To Assemble
Add the freshly zested lemon and 50ml of olive oil to the silver dory roe and mix well. Finely slice the flathead fillet on a slight angle into 5mm thick slices. Slice the sea scallops into 5mm thick slices. Briefly marinate the flathead and sea scallop slices in the sashimi marinade. Submerge and remove the seafood from the marinade within 10 seconds otherwise the seafood will over marinade. Allow the seafood to drain slightly. Dress the vegetables and herbs with remaining olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. Place a spoonful of roe in the centre of each serving bowl, top the roe with alternate layers of seafood, herbs and vegetables. Serve.
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