Serves 6
3 soles, 1kg each
1⁄2 litre of mussels (small)
500g of spinach
6 large mushrooms
6 small button mushrooms
30 large crayfish claws
6 crayfish heads
6 sprigs of dill
6 chive stems
2 shallots
Dry white wine
Reduced fish stock
Isigny double cream
Parsley powder
Lobster coral powder
50g of fine chicken stuffing with morels
Open the mussels as for a marinière and set aside their juice. Fillet the soles. Crush the fish bones. Sweat them in a dry pan, add the sliced shallots and the mushroom trimmings. Deglaze with the white wine, reduce to 3⁄4, then add the mussel juice and reduce. Add the reduced fish stock (not too reduced) and then add the double cream. Cook and strain thoroughly through muslin. Reduce and season. Set aside 6 crayfish claws for decoration. Crush the rest of the claws and the 6 heads. Sweat them in a dry pan. Deglaze and flambé with the cognac. Add the reduced fish stock and the Isigny cream. Cook for 10 minutes. Blend coarsely, then filter and reduce. Check and correct the seasoning.
Make a spinach coulis with 400g of spinach. Place the coulis in a pipette. Chop the remaining 100g and mix with 400g of the white wine and mushroom duxelles and 200g of finely chopped mussels. Season the mixture. On the skin side of a sole fillet, brush a line of the fine chicken and morel stuffing along the entire length of the fillet. Assemble with another fillet on which you have already brushed a line of the fine chicken stuffing mixture. Wrap in buttered and seasoned cling film, ensuring that the shape remains flat, then vacuum pack.
To serve
Cook the soles in a steam oven at 85°C for approximately 3 minutes. Check the temperature with a probe. When they are just warm, take them out and leave them to rest in the vacuum pack on a grill above the oven. Turn them regularly. Dress and coat with the crayfish glaze. Sprinkle over the parsley and lobster coral powders. Draw a long teardrop of spinach coulis on an oval shaped plate, place the sole on the plate and decorate with a mussel, a button mushroom and a crayfish claw that you have pan fried in foaming butter. Add a sprig of dill and a chive stem. Serve the sauce separately, ensuring it is piping hot.