Cucumber seed risotto base
2 cases ofEnglish cucumbers
2 cases ofcucumbers
Cucumber seed risotto
Cucumber seed base
Butter, small dice
Crème fraiche, hung
200g ofcucumber juice
12gofkuzu (6%)
Compressed cucumbers
Market cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise
500gofcucumber juice
20g ofseabeans
20g ofsamphire
Kosher salt
Samphire oil
115gofblanched samphire
325g ofarbequina olive oil
Cucumber juice
725g ofcucumber juice
11g ofultratex
Samphire oil
Extra virgin olive oil
Cucumber seed risotto base
Process the cucumbers by scooping out the seeds and hanging them over four layers of cheese cloth for approximately 2-3 days.After this period, robot coupe the seeds and return to hang for another day or two or until ready to use.
Cucumber seed risotto base
Place cucumber seeds in a medium size pot over high heat to begin the process of removing as much liquid as possible.Switching pots as to not allow any coloring to the seeds, cook on and off flat top (using arack if preferred) until very little moisture remains, and then set aside. Combine cucumber juice and kuzu, whisk while bringing to a boil, remove and allow to sit at room temperature. To pick up, place cooked seeds in a pot and add kuzu, cucumber juice, butter and crème fraiche as needed, then season with salt to finish.
Compressed cucumbers
Mix salt with cucumber juice. Lay cucumbers in a vacuum seal bag along with the sea grasses, add the juice and seal at 98%.Allow to sit for at least 2-4 hrs before slicing and dicing.
Samphire oil
Blend both components and hang in cheesecloth.
Cucumber juice
Blend and allow to sit.Compress if necessary to remove the foam that sits on top.
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