#ChefTakeover | Invitation to join Donovan Cooke on FOUR’s Twitter

22 Oct 2014
< 1 min read
On Thursday 23 October, 12pm-1pm (BST) Chef Cooke will be taking over @FOURMAGAZINE’s Twitter account to answer all your burning culinary questions…

Find out what is fishy about Cordon Bleu Chef ‘s excitingseafood creations. will be the bestcatch of the day on @FOURMAGAZINE‘s Twitterthis Thursday at 12-1pm (BST).


Toensure you catch the best tips, write a message to @FOURMAGAZINE with #ChefTakeover.

Donovan Cooke

has travelled the globe to achieve his culinary accolades and before settling at his current Melbourne venue, the Atlantic. Born in Yorkshire, is a master chef of seafood and who delights in producing meticulously perfect dishes.

‘s route to success has included a number of key stops on the way, working with as well as working at the Savoy in London, La Cote St Jacques in France and the Hong Kong Jockey Club.

The pinnacle of Cooke’s success is the award of Honorary Commander of the Commanderie des Cordon Bleus de France.