1kg Peeled jersualem artichokes
Milk, to cover
Burnt pears
6Corella or Bosc Pears
Sunflower seed puree
175g sunflower seeds
50g sugar
Water, to cover
Pinch of salt
Chocolate caramel
500g sugar
100g butter
660g cream, warmed
600g milk chocolate
16g salt
Sliced pears
10 Josephine or William pears
10ml sugar syrup
5ml lemon juice
Sunflower seeds
50g sunflower seeds
Cook artichokes covered with milk and a cartouche.When just tender, remove half of the artichokes for dicing, cool on tray.Continue to cook the remaining artichokes until overcooked.Strain off and blend, use cooking milk if needed to thin out.Pass through chinois and cool. Meanwhile,Small dice other artichokes. They do not need to be perfect, just all small in size.
Burnt pears
Char pears over burner flame until completely black and have a formed crust.Bake pears at 150C until tender throughout.Let cool completely, peel, and small dice same size as artichokes.
Sunflower seed puree
Toast sunflower seeds in large pan until dark brown. Then add water to cover and weighed sugar.Cook until seeds are tender and almost noliquid remains.Blend to a tight, smooth puree and add water if neccessary.Season with a pinch of salt, pass though chinois and chilluntil ready to use.
Chocolate caramel
Carmelize sugar well in pot, cool slightly.Add cream and salt, emulsify. Add butter, emulsify with spatula.Add chocolate and work hard with spatula to emulsify.Let cool at room temperature covered with wax paper but do not put in fridge. Set to one side until ready to use.
Sliced pears
On the slicer, slice pears on 2.5.Punch out with 3.5/4 ring cutter and then layer 7 circles on parchment in a ring to form a “flower”.Place a piece of parchment on top and compress in vaccum bag on full.Keep sealed until ready for use.
Sunflower seeds
Toast sunflower seeds evenly in oil until golden brown
To serve
Combine pear dice,artichoke dice, and artichoke puree to form a hash.Make a small circle of artichoke puree on the bottom of a cold bowl and spoon the hash on top of the puree.Place a small dollop of chocolate caramel on top of hash.Remove pears from vac bag and place circle on top of hash and ganache mix.Cover hole in the middle of pear stack with toasted sunflower seeds and then garnish with 3 or 4 sunflower petals before serving.
Photography|Helge Kirchberger Photography / Red Bull Hangar-7
Find out more about Ben Greeno at Restaurant Ikarus here |