Serves 4
Preperation 2 hours
Beet Caramel
10 large red beets, peeled
1 tbsp honey
Pureed Peas
500 g (2 cups) peas
About 175 ml (¾ cup)
Vegetable stock
1 tbsp room temperature butter
250 g (1 cup) peas
250 g (1 cup) snow peas
8 garlic florets
500 ml (2 cups) canola oil (for frying)
Pigeon Supreme
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp butter
4 pigeon supremes
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Tub o’ Duck Fat
Field Berries with Smoked Fat
125 ml (½ cup) smoked duck fat
In season wild berries (red or black raspberries, blackcurrants, etc.)
Finishing Touches
A few daylily flowers
Beet Caramel
Extract the beet juice in a juiceextractor. Heat the juice and skimthe surface. Add the honey andreduce over medium heat untilthe mixture has the consistency ofmolasses.
Pureed Peas
In a pot filled with salted boilingwater, blanch the peas until tender.Cool in a bowl of ice water. In afood processor, purée with a bitof vegetable stock to obtain asmooth but firm purée. Salt andadd the butter. Cool on ice andpass through a sieve.
In a pot of salted boiling water,cook the peas and snow peasfor about 2 minutes, so that theyremain slightly crunchy. Coolin ice water and strain.
Cut the garlic florets in half lengthwise.In a fryer, heat the canolaoil to 200°C (400°F). Fry the floretsfor a few seconds, until they becomecrunchy. Pat dry with papertowels. Salt to taste and set aside.
Pigeon Supreme
In a pan over medium heat, lightlycolour the butter and oil. Salt andpepper the pigeon and place thesupremes skin down on the pan.Place a weight on top of the pigeonto ensure that it retains its shape
and cooks evenly. Sear over highheat until the skin is golden.
Immerse the pigeon in the Tub o’Duck Fat for three minutes. Coverwith aluminium foil and allow torest at room temperature for 6 minutesbefore serving.
Field Berries with Smoked Fat
Heat the smoked fat, add the fruitsand keep this mixture warm offthe heat.
Finishing Touches
Place the cooked peas and snowpeas in a sieve and immersethem quickly in boiling water towarm. Reheat the pea purée inthe microwave.
Place the pigeon, sliced in two,at the centre of each plate. Lightlycoat with smoked duck fat andbeet caramel. Alongside the meat,place a spoonful of pea purée anda medley of warm peas, fruits, daylily
flowers, and fried garlic florets.