Serves 4
1 piece mackerel, fillet and skinned
60g sugar
40g salt
300g fennel,finely chopped
200g onions,finely chopped
150g Granny Smith apples,finely chopped
100g sepia ink
1 lemon
1 pinch of salt
24 pieces sea asparagus, cut finely
4 piecesmini cucumber, cut in round slices
Bronze fennel to garnish
100g chives
2dl rape oil
Mix the sugar and salt and grave the mackerel with the mixture.After one hour wash themackerel, dry itand store in a refrigerator.
Roast the onion in olive oil until golden, add the fennel androast further. Add the apples,a pinch of salt andthesepia ink and cook softly, thenblend in thermo mix with the lemon.Pass through fine sieve.
Blend the chives with the rape oil and put into athermo mix at 50 degrees.Pass through a fine sieve and store in cool place.
Plate up and garnish with bronze fennel.
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