“If you love deep, rich and full flavours and textures then this chocolate is for you. A blend of California prune purée with Kernel brewery London Porter, a traditional stout with rich milk chocolate and a shell of 67% Saint Dominique dark chocolate.” – Paul.A.Young
Makes approx50 truffles
250mls Kernel brewery porter or fine quality stout
225g Prune purée*
50g Unrefined dark muscovado sugar
300g 55% Duffy’s Venezuelan Ocumare milk chocolate or other high percentage milk chocolate
15 California Prunes cut in to ¼ sized pieces
Prune purée
225g California stoned, ready to eat prunes
90ml water
500g 67% St Dominique dark chocolate
Edible shimmer powders in copper and bronze – available from cake decorating websites and shops.
Bring the porter, prune purée and sugar to a very light simmer then immediately take off the heat and whisk until all the prune purée is incorporated.Pour onto the milk chocolate and whisk well.Allow to cool.
Meanwhile prepare your mould by adding the metallic shimmer powder into the moulds with a small paint brush, tapping a small amount in to each individual mould.
Now temper your chocolate (see instructions) and line your mould to create your shell and refrigerate the lined mould for ten minutes.Place a ¼ piece of prune into each mould.
Now fill your piping bag with the cooled and still liquid ganache and fill each mould leaving a 2 to 3 mm gap at the top. Leave the filled moulds overnight to set and crust. The crust is the top layer of the ganache which dries out, allowing you to cap off the chocolates.
Now temper a small amount of chocolate and cap off your chocolates to seal in the ganache. Refrigerate for ten minutes then the exciting part of carefully turning your chocolates out and, of course, eating them.
Prune purée
Using a liquidiser, blend the prunes with water until puréed. Makes 275g. Left over purée can be kept in the fridge for up to a week and can be used in a California Prune Smoothie.
Your finished chocolates will last two weeks in a cool dry place.