With so much of our work and everyday life taking place indoors, its no surprise that wehave started to crave the outdoors more and more. As soon as summer comes aroundthe corner to announce the outdoor season, cafes, lounge bars and roof terraces fill up,and even your own patio or garden can be the perfect spot for open-air-relaxation.
Imagine that it is a glorious summer’s evening after a long day of work. You are sitting with friends on a roof terracebar with a beautiful view over the city, enjoying fruity cocktails, with relaxing loungesoundsfloatingsmoothly fromtheMAKE01.It feels likelyingonacloudandmusicissurroundingyou.Suddenly,afive-minutedownpourensuresanappropriaterefreshment.Noproblemforthe MAKE01.Therain runs smoothlyoffduetoitsspecialnano-coatingsurface. Soon after thelightslowly starts to fade as the day turns to night, and closely following suitthetetrahedron-shapedobject starts to shine like a rainbow. With smart technologythat allows it to adapt to the light of the surrounding enviroment, the MAKE01 shine in all its glory whilst still playing music like you’ve never experience before.
IntheheartoftheBlackForesttheinnovatorsofMAKE01havecreatedaunique,handcraftedoutdoorsystemand the firstofitskindtooffer360°musicexperiencecombined with a fascinating lighting concept. Thankstoitshighlysophisticatedbendingwave loudspeakers,theoutermembranesaremadetooscillate,ensuringsoundproductionwithvirtuallynolossofoutput.
Comparedtonormalloudspeakers,thesoundemitsfromallthreesurfacesofthetetrahedron, producing a particularly natural sound quality.
MAKE01’s sounding body is made from a specially developed polypropylene combination, making it resistant to rain, heat, cold and UV radiation. The sound reproduction systemis complemented with a fully-integrated, powerful LED system ensuring endless, spectacular lighting effects for any outdoor area.
Asastandalonedevice,MAKE01’ssoundqualityistruly impressive.Butitisthecombination of multiple devices that really increases the volume and fascinating visualeffect. By combining multiple devices, areas of more than thousand square metres canbe filled with light and sound. Whether as a standalone device or as an ensemble, the MAKE01 is easy to connect toalmost any audio source. Depending on the outdoor space, you can control the deviceviaacable-feefrequencylink(WLAN),viaBluetoothorviafixed,installedcabling.
Every MAKE01 can connect to professional equipment such as mixers (XLR Stereo) and lighting controllers (DMX in/out). It can also be used flexibly with the high-performance batteries (add-on accessory), guaranteeing seamless operation in creative outdoor setups were they is no power source.
However, good technology is only technology at its best when it is intuitive and easy touse.Weplaceeverythingyouneedin yourhandswiththeMAKE01remoteappforApple iOS and Android, which allows you to operate all functions quickly and easily. It’sa simple solution to help you decide which music, which lighting and which settings areneeded for your outdoor space.
So with the new MAKE01 sound and lighting system,there really is no excuse not toget outdoors and start partying in style!
Gewerbegebiet Gässle 1
+49 7675 90 51 340