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Sylvie Augereau

02 Mar 2014
< 1 min read
Sylvie Augereau was born in Loire Valley and still resides there today. A wine journalist for international publications, including GQ and Fool and French titles Carnet de Vigne (Hachette 2007, 2009, 2010), Le Nouvel Observateur and La Revue du Vin de, Sylvie is also a vine worker.
Bite-sized Questions

What has been your most memorable dining experience?
L’Agapé Substance (Paris) when David Toutain was there.

In the name of food research, is there anything you wouldnevertry?

What’s your favourite comfort food?
Beurre blanc.

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

After a long week, what’s your tipple of choice?

Hermitage from Jean-Louis Chave.

What are the three finer things in life that you secretly indulge in?
Anchovies, wild oysterset chocolates fromHirsinger (Arbois, France).

Describe yourself in three foodie words…
Seared, soft andjuicy

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