Luciana Bianchi

02 Mar 2014
< 1 min read
An Italian–Brazilian chef and food writer with a background in molecular science, Luciana is a trained chef and has worked in Michelin-starred restaurants. She has cooked for celebrities, interviewed many of the best international chefs, and has published work in 12 countries. Luciana contributes to S. Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants’ blog and is an International Correspondent of Apicius – the journal of gastronomy, published in Barcelona. A world frequent traveller and food researcher, she is based in the UK, but divides her time between Brazil and Italy.
Bite-sized Questions

What has been your most memorable dining experience?

My first visit to Asador Etxebarri in the Basque Country.VictorArguinzoniz’sachievement ofmastering the art of fire in combination with perfect produce proved to me that the real luxury lies in simplicity.

In the name of food research, is there anything you wouldnevertry?

A live animal. My food must be dead. I have too much respect for life!

What’s your favourite comfort food?

Pasta with homemade tomato & basil sauce.

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Fresh salad with vegetables and grilled fish.

After a long week, what’s your tipple of choice?

I am a champagne girl! Cheers!

What are the three finer things in life that you secretly indulge in?

Eating fine things is my job, so there is no secret for me in eating truffles, caviar and fine products. My real secret lies in popular products such as banana farofa (a savoury/sweet crumble from Brazil), cherimoya fruit (a perfect fruit from Peru), and the best tortellini in the world made by my friend Massimo.

Describe yourself in three foodie words…

Three words… difficult! But three titles would be: Frequent gourmet traveller, terroir obsessed & serial gastro-twitter.