The Earthquake and the Parmigiano Reggiano Production

30 Jul 2012
< 1 min read
The earthquake shocks of May 20th and 29th have affected 37 dairies and maturing facilities in the provinces of Mantua, Modena and Reggio Emilia

The total number of cheese wheels affected by the earthquake amounts to almost 600.000 units andthe operations to extract the cheese from the affected facilities have not been completed yet.

However, it can be estimated that less than 50% of the cheese can continue ageing in neighbouringfacilities in respect of the conditions indicated by the product specification for the PDO ParmigianoReggiano. Once matured, this cheese will be sold on the market as Parmigiano Reggiano, bearingthe markings and seals of Consortium and of the PDO. Therefore, it is not possible to find onmarkets PDO Parmigiano Reggiano at a reduced price.

On the contrary, approximately 300.000 wheels, corresponding
to the 10% of the total annualproduction, have been damaged and therefore cannot continue ageing. Consequently, depending onthe amount and nature of the damage, this cheese will be portioned, grated or processed: notcomplying with the PDO standard it cannot be sold as Parmigiano Reggiano, rather it will bear ageneric name (e.g.: hard cheese).

The so-called Parmigiano Reggiano cheese “hit by the earthquake” doesn’t exist. Facilities canbe affected by the earthquake while the cheese bearing the Parmigiano Reggiano and PDO markscomplies with all the procedures set for PDO
and is subject to strict certification controls: thismeans that it
is absolutely safe and good.

Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is always produced in compliance with the strict PDO productionregulation, it is marked by the Consortium and certified by the controlling body. The nameParmigiano Reggiano, the wheel-and-wedge black logo
and the round red-and-yellow PDO logo allguarantee that the product, whether in wedges or grated, is authentic Parmigiano Reggiano.The Consortium and the controlling body are carefully inspecting all facilities on daily bases inorder to ensure the respect of the standard and of the designation of origin Parmigiano Reggiano.