#FOURUSA | Avant Garde! Battle of the Chef

06 Jun 2014
2 min read
This week two USA-based Michelin star chefs battle it out over FOUR questions to find out which is more avant-garde | Presenting Kyle Zachary from Toppers, Nantucket v. Justin Cogley from Aubergine, California…
Kyle Zachary

What’s the most scientific piece of equipment in your kitchen?

Our PolyScience Immersion Circulators get used quite often for precise, low-temperature cooking. (2)

Are you passionate about liquid nitrogen?

I am passionate about all forms of cooking whether it is using liquid nitrogen to cryo-sear a steak or roasting one over an open fire using hardwoods.Every method has a useful purpose.I feel it is important to know how and when to use them all. (20)

Could you describe your cooking style for us?

We create modern American cuisine that is based on seasonal ingredients and a mix of modern and classic techniques. (1)

What’s your favourite meal to make at home?

Taco night is big in my house.Usually with braised pork shoulder or grilled fish.It’s good and comforting, like the way food should be at home. (0)

Justin Cogley

What’s the most scientific piece of equipment in your kitchen?

A gastrovac we bought off the 3 Star chef Laurent Gras. (2)

Are you passionate about liquid nitrogen?

Nitrogen has many uses and you can do a lot with it. We do use sometime, but not in a nightly service. (1)

Could you describe your cooking style for us?

I would describe my cooking style as pure. I aim to use pure quality ingredients,creative methods and design each dish with a purpose that showcases the product and surroundingarea. (1)

What’s your favourite meal to make at home?

Well, that is a great question. Pre-kids I would make my wife’s favorite dish a vegetable medley served inside an eggplant and sprinkled withparmesancheese. It paired well witha glass of earthy red wine and baguette. Now that we have kids. I have about 15 minutes to whip up a solid mac-and-cheese hiding cauliflower and any other “white” nutrient I can find in the pantry. Myfour year old requests a side offinely diced/marinated tenderloin and peppers, while my 2 year old would prefer a side of fries. Cooking at home is all speed, andplating to the family means everyone using their owndigger platesanda bulldozer spoons. It is truly the polar opposite to my career where each element is placed with care and purpose. Both an adventure and a pleasure. (1, for the adorable anecdotes!)

And The Winner Is…

Kyle Zachary – 5|Justin Cogley – 5

Our first tie!! Both #FOURUSA chefs showed their bright avant-garde colours this week; we take our hats off to both of you *clap clap*.