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Aimee Pavitt

04 Mar 2014
< 1 min read
In 2003 Aimee swapped Manchester for Paris as she embarked upon her ‘year abroad’; an integral part of her French Studies degree. She never came back. After completing her degree at the University of London Institute in Paris, Aimee moved to the continent in 2003. She worked in public affairs for a large ‘solutions provider’ in the pharmaceutical field before realising that this left a bad taste in her mouth. In search of her appetite, she took to translating as a way of honing her writing skills. Once she had become sufficiently annoyed with bettering other peoples’ work, she decided she should take up the plume herself. Unsure what to write about, she thought it best to start with what she knows: eating, living in France and latterly being a mother. She is also a voice-over artist and an ambassador for the city of Lyon, where she now lives with her partner Olivier and their son Reuben-Miles. To her great dismay, she is somewhat of a hit-and-miss chef and a complete disaster in the baking department.
Bite-sized Questions

What has been your most memorable dining experience?

Dining at the French Senate and feeling incredibly underdressed and self-conscious. But I’ve never had wine like it since!

Is there anything you wouldnevertry?

Offal (do eyeballs count as offal? I wouldn’t eat them either!), insectsor any kind of preserved egg.

What’s your favourite comfort food?

Bacon cheeseburger with home cut and fried chips with lashings of ketchup.

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Mashed potatoes and carrots with fresh garden peas and good English herby sausages served with onion gravy.

After a long week,what’s you tipple of choice?

In summer: a nice Gin and Tonic with Bombay Gin, diet tonic (I think it tastes better!), half a lime and ice.In winter: a deep, dark and peaty whisky with a drop of spring water.

What are the three finer things in life that you secretly indulge in?

Foie gras, drinking Champagne for no reason and sometimes, by myself! Choux à la crème. Not cabbage, but the pastry kind. So simple, So naughty. So good!

Describe yourself in three foodie words…

Frivolous, gourmande, indulgence addict

Aimee on FOUR